Sunday, February 20, 2011

A-HA moments

So I have one more week until I've completed my competition of life change. I declared to drink 12 Glasses of water per day, practice Spanish 3 days per week and consume flour 3 days per week.

During my morning exercise, I experienced an a-ha moment! I was focused on the days I'd allow myself to consume flour this week. What I quickly realized is a better goal would have been for me to limit my intake of desserts. It really isn't flour, its dessert!

The big picture is moderation. When moderation isn't working then its important to ask the difficult question: "What am I avoiding?" or "What is it that I stopped seeing?"

I realize that sweets are fun & comforting for ME. I live a life of such constraint & restraint. I'm so responsible and its one of the few places that I indulge.

What I know for sure is "Indulging is fine, it just has to be done in moderation."

So this week I'm going to be looking for ways to embrace moderation when I want to reach for a dessert or purchase something I can live without.

I also will extend myself grace and mercy when I want to live it long as its done under the umbrella of moderation.

To your greatness!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Halfway Mark

So this weeks been many opportunities to be stressed, so many things to do & seemingly not sufficient time. However I do believe in rebounds. I've rebounded some of my time by getting up earlier, taking short breaks each day and multi-tasking in an innovative way.

I perceive most multi-tasking is done almost mindlessly. However I chose to multi-task by grouping similar duties and complementing duties together.
For example, while exercising in the mornings, I read some necessary medical journal articles. During my evening exercise I read portions of three different books I'm purposing to complete as soon as possible. While getting a pedicure, I used the time to check email, return messages & start masterminding exactly how I was going to prepare two presentations-one that was on Tuesday 2/15 & the other on Tuesday 2/22.

I got creative with one of my sessions by composing & reading a letter aloud in Spanish. The other two practice days I did while taking a long bath.

To set myself up for success with water I kept two filled bottles bottles-each 33.81 oz close to me. Each time I started thinking about how great something else other than the water would be, I'd just take a gulp of water before I gave myself the chance to nurse conflicting thoughts.

Two of the days I was out of town so I pre-packed water & drank the balance before leaving for my trip & upon return. I made an agreement with myself that I wouldn't have a glass of wine unless I had completed my water 1st.

The flour issue was a little more challenging...I LOVE desserts. I also recognize from my intense monitoring that I sincerely enjoy gravitating toward flour when I've got alot on my plate-its my miniature escape & I simply love trying desserts when they're presented in a pleasing manner.

I love to know things so I can discuss them with others. I also enjoy knowing when something isn't optimal caliber so I can alert others to NOT waste their calories.

So I succeeded, yet I owe a great deal of my success to these Trader Joe Acai Fruit Bursts. I've never really been a chocolate person, yet the hint of chocolate over fruit has literally hit the spot!

To your greatness...

Monday, February 7, 2011

Moving forward....

I've officially completed my 1st week goals. As is true in most things, it was easy at 1st and became challenging once I wanted something I had pre-chosen not to have.

I was at a cross-road. Would I choose to give in, re-interpret my goals or proceed forward toward my desire to purposely complete healthmonth....and get those Chuck Taylor's I promised myself at the end of February.

The way I got past my challenge & so can you...was to do the following:
1) Increase my circle of accountability & share my goals as well as popularize the site that I agreed to blog my journey for.

2) Plan...Plan & plan in advance what I'd eat, what days I'd eat flour, how I could carve out the time to learn Spanish as well as how I would make certain to drink enough water.

3) Question my thinking when i didn't get to have what I wanted.

These three approaches revealed that no matter how accomplished or far I perceive I've come in improving my life, there's always more re-tooling to be done.

I kept a VOSS 28.7 oz bottle of water alongside me. I usually began in the morning by downing 1 & setting another full bottle next to my keys or computer to remain congnizant of the need to drink more water-96 ounces to be exact!

I also looked at my calendar and noted the dates I was going to be in places where more than likely ther would be temptation to have flour. I pre-scheduled those dates as my days to indulge.

Last Friday I noticed a meltdown of sorts because I was tired of drinking water, wanted cookies & didn't quite feel like completing the tasks that were begging for my attention from nor my personal and professional pursuits.

This inability to have what I wanted got me present with the number of times I reach for flour products; how much I truly ENJOY flour...and how much flour provides mindless comfort to me if I'm not watchful.

The marching orders for me this week are Focus, Adaptability & Confidence.

Focus on the big picture-I desire to sustain & heighten my health, physical fitness & second language communication skills.

Adaptability in my ways of handling things & speaking to myself when things don't go my way.

Confidence in my ability to sustain and continually go the distance. Even things I don't understand, I'm certain that broken down into micro steps, I will focus, adapt & achieve the desires of my heart.

To your greatness!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Resolutions REvisited Monthly

When you hear the word "resolutions" what comes to mind? If you're lucky to be naturally tenacious & focused its probably music to your ears!

If you're like the REST of the world, you'll probably resonate with the following finding "About half of all American adults (48%, according to a Marist poll taken in December) say they are at least somewhat likely to make a New Year's resolution this year. Their top vows: to lose weight (19%), quit smoking (12%) and exercise more (10%). Sound familiar?
The Marist poll also found that while 65% of people who made a resolution in 2008 kept their promise for at least part of the year, 35% never even made it out of the gate."

The $11 billion self-help industry attests to the fact that Americans, in particular, are obsessed with resolving to change and are willing to pay for it!
I perceive the missing for most of us, no matter the cost, is accountability. Even in the Times Magazine study
(Read more:,8599,1950511,00.html#ixzz1CpyHphbL) it appeared those who fared best were intentional, accountable & laser-like in what they purposed to accomplish.

In my personal life, professional pursuits & relationships that the best results have been cultivated and sustainable when I've been intentional, accountable & laser like in my purpose and strategy.

REvisit your resolutions DAILY or WEEKLY with Heath Month...

Health Month is an online game (located at which allows you & I to compete against ourselves & its 16,000...and counting other active users in striving to meet as well as supercede your goals.
I was immediately captivated by the idea and decided to engage in the challenge. I've resolved for the month on February to

Allow white flour 3 days a week
Drink at least 84 glasses of water a week
Study Spanish at least 3 days a week

The thing that I like so much about this site is its approachability. Even if you're afraid of change, it makes it pretty easy to wade in the shallows and pick a small goal. The other thing that I find attractive about this approach is the fact that you're only making yourself accountable for one month at a time.

This innovative approach allows you to REvisit your goals, get some accomplishment under your belt & manufacture motivation for the following month.

Before you know it, you'll have three months, then six & twelve. You'll finally get a taste of what it feels like to succeed in areas of your life where others have miserably failed!

Give it a go. You have so much to gain & lose all at the same time. When was the last time you had a game-plan that was a literal WIN-WIN!

To your best life....I've gotta get going and accomplish my goals.

Get yours too at